new products
Systems engineering

Different technologies and science are required in various industries.Auto industry has got second ranking after Aerospace Industries.
Quality Control

At the beginning of Sanjesh company establishment, in management department point of view, the requirement of quality control (QC) had sensed.
Customer testimonials
Interdum urna cursus pretium Curabitur turpis nunc ligula eu dictumst.
New technology

There are many ways to promote the technology including: attracting foreign cooperative companies or domestic technology improvement by R&D (Research & Development)
Company Perspective

SANJESH Company, with relying on experienced members and experts in various fields of activity, has optimized perspective for the present time and future.In all
Customers organization

Sanjesh Company, at the beginning of its activity, hasn’t focused just on one market; therefore, after its first priority which was IRAN KHODRO, started to focus on after market.